Ziegfeld Style

Circle and Model

When Mireille Ampilhac asked me to be her model for a photoshoot, I was excited by the idea of posing like a Ziegfeld girl, with my dear hula hoop.

Hooping is my latest whim : on the beach, in my courtyard, in a parc, in Iceland, in Greece… Wherever I am, I hoop!
I thought it was a good idea to introduce a circle in the photographic frame. Hoop is both geometric and feminine and it is a very interesting accessory to play with while posing.

I love so much the old ziegfeld hooping photos : it’s amazing to see all the possibilities the body has to be in or out the hoop. The circle can highlight the beauty of the breast, or be lifted as a moon and catch all the attention.

Another required accessory for the Ziegfeld shooting was the famous black fringed shawl

Is not the most erotic portion of a body where the garment gapes

Roland Barthes


Some of these pictures came from this interesting article.

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