The Flamingo’s Ball

You’ve found that rare bird! There she goes on her long legs, shaking her tail feathers. This is a sassy and tropical performance, with a pink flamingo fan dance that will leave you hot! This number can be performed to either a fun jazzy or… Continue reading

Fan Dances

For Sucre d’Orge, ostrich-feather fan dances are a specialty and a passion. New numbers can be choreographed to suit your theme and your music, on demand.

Watch the stars!

Sucre d’Orge in an amazingly brillant silver costume, amongst a shower of falling stars! This is one of her fun and sexy performances, to disco and funk from outer space. {“@context”:”http:\/\/\/”,”@id”:”http:\/\/\/en\/shows\/watch-the-stars\/#arve-youtube-nz4xybc8bro66a497a05a9c8824397546″,”type”:”VideoObject”,”embedURL”:”https:\/\/\/embed\/NZ4XybC8Bro?feature=oembed&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&autohide=1&playsinline=0&autoplay=0″}

Marie Antoinette’s Music Box

Marie Antoinette in a cloud of snow and petals; this is a sensual and delicate number to the sound of harp strings, and one of Sucre d’Orge’s star performances. It can also be performed in a rock version- when the queen gets out her riding… Continue reading